what I used:
tube of choice - I used a tube by Elias Chatzoudis called Sweet Enjoyment,
for which a license is required. You can buy it at http://www.mypsptubes.com.
template of choice - I used template145 from designs by Ali, which can be found
for free on her blog http://designsbyali.blogspot.com.
scrap kit of choice - I used a kit by Vella of Wench Designs called Sweet Sundae Treats
which is available in both tagger
and full size
You can check out Vella's blog at http://wenchdesigns.blogspot.com.
what I did:
1. Start with a blank transparent canvas 600 pixels x 600 pixels, 300 dpi. I used PSCS4
but this tutorial can be used in other similar graphics programs.
2. Copy & paste the circle from the template. Highlight with magic wand & fill with paper
of choice (paper 14).
3. Copy & paste tube of choice & position in center of circle. I adjusted the size downward slightly. If you are using PSP import the tube of your choice into tubes & play with scale until satisfied.
4. Copy, paste & position elements of choice (bowl of ice cream, tilted toward right,
& fudgesicle 1, tilted very slightly left).
Apply drop shadow to each element.
5. Select desired font, text colour & size. I used OttumHmkBold, 18 pt, dark cherry with cherry-chocolate style applied. Tilt text to approximately reflect lines of the tag.
6. Copy & paste copyright info of the tube along bottom edge of tag, ensuring text
touches but does not obscure tag. Add any additional information using Arial font,
3 pt or 2 pt.
7. Save tag & enjoy.
You know what? This was fun!
I hope you enjoy.
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