Shani has been busy making kits - I can't keep up! Check out her
blog & definitely check out her section at Twilight Scraps right now - she has a BOGO (Buy One Get One) sale in conjunction with the store's anniversary celebration.
So a hacker has sidelined my laptop til I can get it into the shop & my desktop keyboard is still suddenly going into all caps without any move on my part - driving me nuts. In addition, the arthritis in my hands is making typing painful. I hope nobody really minds if I just post a bunch of tags without accompanying tutorials.
My basic tag making is:
1. Set your software program to show a bounding box around an element when hightlighted in the layer palette, so you can resize the element by manipulating the corners of the bounding box (some people refer to these boxes as 'marching ants').
2. Try to start with a mental picture of what you want your tag to look like; choose your papers & elements accordingly. Copy, paste, resize as needed, & position as desired. The visibility toggle can help you decide if an element is working or not without backtracking multiple steps.
3. Never be afraid to play & experiment with things like opacity, effect, styles. I don't like using templates & I have yet to figure out the best way to use masks, but eventually I hope to figure it out.
4. Most important is to have fun & end up with a tag that you like.
So, in this post I will share tags made with 3 of Shani's latest kits - Lil Bo Peepers, Nature's Tea, & Ride a Cowboy.

With Lil Bo Peepers, I made a simple tag for all the girly little girls out there. In childhood, I had both a tomboy side & a girly girl side which some adults found strange. I still love tea parties, playing Barbies. The poser is CIZ-Candy4 by Creative Intentionz.

With Nature's Tea, I made a tag, & then experimented with what I had the poser hold & it made the tag look very different. The poser is Shea 4 by Luscious Digi Dolls, aka Luscious Scraps.

With Ride a cowboy, made a tag & a
quick page freebie for you. I couldn't resist sticking a photo of my cousin Mark's baby boy into the quick page - he is so cute! The poser in the tag is cowgirl2-1 by Sinful Mindz.

If any of you have a specific question about how I made a particular tag, leave me a comment.