Ok, I am back, sort of. It's been a couple of difficult months. My furry baby, Smudge turned out to have late stage mammory cancer & I had to take the agonizing step of having her put to sleep. because I plunged into depression, my brother got me a new furry baby from a rescue organization & her name is Emily. Not long afterward, my apartment was hit by bedbugs & Emily & I had to evacuate to my parents. The organization that manages my care hired a company to prepare my apartment for the pest control steps. Almost everything was thrown out so I am trying to replace the essentials. Although the company agreed software & accompanying manuals as well as my computer equipment did not need to be discarded, all my design software disappeared along with 2 flash drives & 2 MP3 players. Add in health problems & doctor appointments & it'll be awhile til I'm back into my groove.
I hunted down a kit by Babycakes Scraps called Love Song to do a September desktop because still having June on my desktop was confusing me - lol.
2 sizes, desktop & laptop
please bear with me as I struggle to get my life back in order