Shani aka Wicked PrincessScraps created a new tag, a kit called Fairy Whispers, available exclusively at the PSProject, inspired by a creation from Erica Leigh Currey called Pink and Gold Fairy. I used the creation in tag 1- the fairy looks like she is virtually bursting with excitement or maybe mischief.
I also made a second tag, a quick page, a desktop calendar, and a laptop calendar. Download the whole bunch here.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Berries in my Basket
BLT has a 300dpi tag size kit called Berries in my Basket wich is sweet as a fresh picked strawberry and includes 2 posers by Designed by K..
I made a qp then couldn't find it in the computer file until I recreated the page and tried to save it.the 2 pages are similar but not identical, so I'm letting you decide which one you want (or both, if you wish).
I also made a cute tag, My cat is currently lying on my notebook so I'll have to rely on my memory.
Almost all tags rely upon the copy, paste, resize as needed, position as desired. If the is some other way to get elements into a tag, somebody reveal the mystery to me.
Start with transpaent canvas 700 pixels x700 pixels and use your circulas selection tool to create as large a circle as possible.
Fill the circle with your background of choice (p2 at 44%). Choose a frame (frame3) to fit overtop your backeground.
Copy and paste etc the tube or poser or figure of your choice. (Cookie), the temporarily adjust the opacity so you can see where the figure and the frame. use the eraser to remove the overlap to make it look like the figure is in the figure, leaning out. Restore 100% opacity to figure, Add your desired embellishments from the elements. I used bow 2 to make Cookie's hat more interesting, then placed the heart on a rope sround her neck as a necklace, erasing most of the rope.
I wasn't thrilled with the existing flowers on the frame, so coved them up with strawberry vine. and added the ladybug.
Tag 2 and teddy bear were the last elements added. The tag made the perfect place to put the name (Santas Big Secret) with the upper left area of the frame alllowing plenty of room for the sentiment .(Creampuff). Always add tag information, in a small but legible font.
(ps - if you like the posers but find neither positioned quite the way you wish they are Designed by Kay - Berri Shortcakes. are CU, with 6 poses to choose from.
Almost all tags rely upon the copy, paste, resize as needed, position as desired. If the is some other way to get elements into a tag, somebody reveal the mystery to me.
Start with transpaent canvas 700 pixels x700 pixels and use your circulas selection tool to create as large a circle as possible.
Fill the circle with your background of choice (p2 at 44%). Choose a frame (frame3) to fit overtop your backeground.
Copy and paste etc the tube or poser or figure of your choice. (Cookie), the temporarily adjust the opacity so you can see where the figure and the frame. use the eraser to remove the overlap to make it look like the figure is in the figure, leaning out. Restore 100% opacity to figure, Add your desired embellishments from the elements. I used bow 2 to make Cookie's hat more interesting, then placed the heart on a rope sround her neck as a necklace, erasing most of the rope.
I wasn't thrilled with the existing flowers on the frame, so coved them up with strawberry vine. and added the ladybug.
Tag 2 and teddy bear were the last elements added. The tag made the perfect place to put the name (Santas Big Secret) with the upper left area of the frame alllowing plenty of room for the sentiment .(Creampuff). Always add tag information, in a small but legible font.
(ps - if you like the posers but find neither positioned quite the way you wish they are Designed by Kay - Berri Shortcakes. are CU, with 6 poses to choose from.

digital scrapbooking freebie,
quick page,
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Wicked Princess is a busy girl
I don't think I'll ever catch up to Shani (Wicked Princess Scraps); she's a ball of fire, but at least I'm having fun trying.One of her newer kits is called Anette ; I've got a quick page for you to download, and I made 3 tags, because I was having fun.
There is a free add-on to go with this kit on her blog, so check it out.
All tags began as blank 700 pixels x 700 pixels canvases in Adobe PSCS 4.
Tag 1 started being filled with paper 1. I then added a tube by Alex Prihodko called Devil's Bride. You must have a licence to use his work. His work is currently available at Pics For Design.
The main text used GE Signature Script, the tag information used Arial Narrow, while the name used GE Signature Script with bevel and emboss, drop shadow, and colour overlay applied.
Tag 2 used paper 6 set at 4% for background, a FTU poser from, and a selection of yummy elements from the kit: bottle with bucket, treats, treat bowl, cookie cupcake,and martini. The font was CaslonNo540SwaD, except for the name which used Candice.
Tag 3 used paper 8 as the main background, then added a new layer, created a circle added paper 7 to fill in the circle.I used another tube by Alex Prihodko, which requires a licence. You can find details at Pics For I did the top wording in PSP, and don't remember the font, but the name used a font called Charisma. I applied bevel and emboss and drop shadow to the poser. All text had an Adobe effect called groovy applied.
digital scrapbooking freebie,
quick page,
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Olde Irish
The Olde Irish is a lovely kit by Stargazer Musings & I have an abundance of goodies prepared using it.
A desktop calendar in both desktop & laptop sizes, a quick page, & the word art I created for tags 1 & 2 as well as a general version of tag 2, all zipped up together here.
Tags 1 & 3 were inspired by poser tubes created by the ever-so-lovely Tess who designs as Caroline_D (Teagan & Dancer1, respectively), while for tag 2 I assembled some of Medi's wonderful work (envee5, gibby6,gracie3, patty2). All tags are 700 pixels x 700 pixels & were created in Adobe PSCS4 with "show transform controls" enabled to allow easy resizing of elements.
Tag 1 used paper10 as background & showed the poser (Teagan) standing in front of an old harp1 & pot o gold, while holding a lute. Temporarily lessen the opacity of the lute to see the hand, allowing you to more easily erase the appropriate part of the lute, to maske it appear the woman is holding the lute. The original word art used Calliope font, & then I played around with styles.
Tag 2 used paper30 as overall backgrouund, then I created a circular layer filled with paper5. I used 2 copies of the glitter shamrock & again played with styles applied to the word art.
Tag 3 began with a cicular selection filled with paper34 (uh-huh, there is a wide selection of papers). I added a beer mug, a hat, 2 gold coins & a butterfly to the tag, applying drop shadow in all cases, while the bevel & emboss effect was added to the hat & butterfly. The poser's dress (dancer1) was green, but in a christmasy print so I used magic wand coupled with lasso to highlight the dress & fill it with paer1 at 4%.
The font is Candice with an Adobe style called "wow neon yellow off" applied.
I hope the easy nature of my tutorials helps encourage you to make tags for your self.
My Sweet Valentine
Still playing catch-up, posting work I did on my laptop while I was sick. I made 2 tags with Sweet Valentine by Stargazer Musings.
I used PSP10 with "pick tool" enabled. Both tags started as blank transparent canvas 700 pixels x 700 pixels.
Tag 1 used background paper 1, & 2 copies of the diamond heart frame with the frames filled in with an appropriate co-ordinating colour. I used 2 posers from Luscious Digi Dolls, Cherie 3 & one of her freebies.
I also used rose 5 & rose 7.
Theme words used Heart Heaven font while name used Country Hearts font, both found at
Tag 2 used paper 2 background, & rose frame 1, with center filled with compimentary colour. I used
Valentine Cookie Four-4 by Coh Scraps, placed bow 11 in her hair & gemstone heart 1 into her hand, temporarily adusting opacity of heart to see which parts to erase to make the hand "hold" the heart.
Theme words used Be My Valentine font while name used Sweethearts BV font, from
Suzanne - desktop calendar & quick page
Ok, I've spent the last month sick & mostly confined to bed & while I did work on my laptop, I didn't get it posted because when I do much typing on the laptop the cursor moves without me realizing so I finish & look at the screen to find gibberish - very frustrating.
So, now to play catch up.
I worked with a kit from Wicked Princess Scraps called Suzanne. Check her blog for available locations, because some kits are exclusive to certain places & it's just easier to send you to her blog (besides, you may find freebies there as well).
So in the zip you will find a March 2012 desktop calendar & a quick page freebie.
I also made 2 tags, scribbling notations on a pad, which I am now trying to decipher (oh, help). I used Adobe PSCS 4 with "Show transform controls enabled & started both tags with a transparent canvas 700 pixels x 700 pixels.
For tag 1 I used the circular selection tool to create a circle I filled with paper 7. Using the reliable copy, paste, resize as needed & position as desired method, I centered the fan, added Cookie Trisha 7 by Coh Scraps, then added the bear with heart. I added thye bevel & emboss effect to all 3 elements.
The name used Monotype Corsiva font while the tag info was added using Century font.
For tag 2 the background was filled with paper 10 at 10%, then a new layer was created featuring paper 6.
I "hung" the corset & dress from the room divider, & placed the flower with butterfly in a fold of the room divider. I added the dresser & placed box with pearls, lipstick, and the puse onto the top of the table, while placing the shoes on the "floor".
I placed the lips in the top righthand corner & added drop shadow. The font is called Aparajita & I found it at
The poser is Kandylicious C1 by Angelic Poserz.
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